The Gun Shot
After cooking a pizza on our pizza stone, I left the stone on the stove top. Hours later, Claire and I wanted to have our evening cup of tea. So I turned on what I thought was the burner with the kettle on it. Minutes later we heard a loud crack in the kitchen. It turns out I had turned on the wrong burner. The pizza stone had heated rapidly, unevenly and cracked. It wasn't gunshots coming from our kitchen after all! In my frustration, I neglected to turn off the burner, and minutes later heard a second crack. It is a good thing that I am generally not left to my own devices in the kitchen.
October 10, 2009 at 7:41 AM
Total stones are awesome. I did the same thing with some pyrex a couple years ago. Nothing like hot shards of glass all over a kitchen.
October 14, 2009 at 9:14 AM
I am glad you guys started a blog, and because you are witty and we are not frequently in touch and I really do want to know all about your lives, I in no way think you are pretentious. Max and I are in Ecuador having a lovely time... still not sure about our plans for the next couple of months, but wandering around happily, figuring stuff out. I just said yesterday-- I miss claire and Nick! Love you guys. Will continue to stalk you via blog. P.S. How does one start a blog... if one decides to...?
October 14, 2009 at 7:54 PM
October 21, 2009 at 9:16 PM
You want a snide comment Porter? Cut that mop on your head. :) Keep the beard though. The house looks nice. Hope you are doing well.